Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Pineapple Pizza

You either love it or hate it.

I personally love it.  I always feel like I'm in a tropical place when I'm eating pineapple pizza.  It's lighter than having it loaded with vegetables and it's still a (somewhat) healthy option to have.  I think pineapple pizza is underrated, and those who don't like it are just afraid to try it.

There's a debate on whether putting pineapple on pizza actually originated in Hawaii (as most people believe) or by a Canadian man named Sam Panopoulos in 1962.  I don't know which is true, but I'm very thankful to whoever came up with the idea!

Aside from pineapple pizza I enjoy a spinach and tomato combo on pizza, and of course, I love a regular cheese pizza (sometimes extra cheese).

       ©2017 - Eric


  1. Tried it and it's just so wrong on so many levels. Give me a mushroom pizza any day of the week. I also like ones that have blue cheese on them, but never pineapple. I think whoever came up with the idea is a very evil person indeed.
    Highlands Days of Fun

  2. Tried it and it's just so wrong on so many levels. Give me a mushroom pizza any day of the week. I also like ones that have blue cheese on them, but never pineapple. I think whoever came up with the idea is a very evil person indeed.
    Highlands Days of Fun
